Some employers have adopted screening as part of their drug and alcohol policy or there may be a case for screening, particularly in certain jobs (for example employees who make safety-critical decisions like drivers, pilots, and some machinery operators).
In jobs like these the misuse of drugs or alcohol could have disastrous effects for the employee, colleagues, members of the public and the environment.
Health and safety regulations require employers to provide health monitoring, sometimes called “surveillance”, for their employees. Health surveillance entails a systematic approach to assessing and managing any potential risks to employee health.
Surveillance represents a preventative approach that is an effective means of detecting any change in employee health at the earliest possible stage.
Our event team will work with clients, to understand their medical requirements. We will undertake a risk assessment and advise the correct level of cover, to ensure you meet the health & safety criteria, to provide safe and effective cover.
Our teams
Phlebotomy Service — Our trained phlebotomists will come to you and take the samples for ages 12 – 16 with parental consent and 16 plus